Fee Schedule
Chiropractic Services
Chiropractic Adjustment: (Dr. Tammy Yuen) $75
Chiropractic Adjustment: (Dr. Phil Tsang) $65
Custom Orthotics (1st Pair): $350
Custom Orthotics (2nd Pair): $200
Custom Orthotics (Re-orders): $300
New Patient Consultation: FREE*
*The New Patient Consultation is for new potential patients to discuss their injury and recommended treatment plans with the Chiropractor. Should the patient wish to begin the treatment, fees will apply based on the provided treatment.

Note: Dr. Tammy Yuen will not be taking on new chiropractic patients  and only Dr. Phil Tsang is accepting new patients at this time.

Registered Massage Therapy
Appointment Type Rate First Visit Discount
30 Minute Massage $70 $50 (-$20)
45 Minute Massage $90 $65 (-$25)
60 Minute Massage $115 $80 (-$35)
90 Minute Massage $160 $110 (-$50)
New Patient Consultation: FREE*
The above prices include HST.

*The New Patient Consultation is for new massage therapy patients to discuss their desired outcomes and recommended treatment plans with the Massage Therapist. Initial Consults are usually ~10 minutes by phone or in person in advance of treatment. Should the patient wish to begin treatment, the respective fee based on the length of massage will apply. We recommend a 60 minute massage for first time visitors.
30 Minute Physiotherapy Session: $75 ($85 starting March 2025)
New Patient Consultation: FREE*
*The New Patient Consultation is for new potential patients to discuss their injury and recommended treatment plans with the Physiotherapist. Initial Consults are usually ~15 minutes by phone or by video call. Should the patient wish to begin treatment, a $75 fee will apply for a 30 minute treatment session.
Naturopathic Services
Initial Naturopathic Consultation: $150 ($160 starting March 2025)
30 Minute Naturopathic Consultation or Acupuncture: $80 ($90 starting March 2025)
60 Minute Naturopathic Consultation: $150 ($180 starting March 2025)
New Patient Consultation: FREE*
*The New Patient Consultation is for new potential patients to discuss with the Naturopath how Naturopathic Medicine can be of benefit to them during a 15 minute phone call. Should the patient wish to begin a full initial consultation, the consultation will take an additional 60 minutes and Initial Naturopathic Consultation fees will apply.
Methods of Payment
We accept payment by Credit Card, Debit Card or Cash. Unfortunately, we do not accept American Express.
Referral Program
Your referral is the best way to grow our clinic! As such, we are happy to give a $20 treatment discount each time our patient refers a new patient to our clinic!